There are sooo many sites on the web, many of which aren't even worth visiting. But amidst the myriad of worthless pages, there are a few that for some reason, stand out to me. (Not just mine mind you!) Anywho, here's my personal list of recommended sites.
One of my other webpages. This one I did for my employer. Interested in skydiving?
Check it out!
This site has a guide for just about everything under the sun. Need answers?
Find 'em here!
Ebay is one of the really awesome things to come out of the dot-com craze.
I've found more rare and amusing stuff here than I'd ever find by looking
around my hometown stores.
This site has some basic information about HD as well as being the homepage
for the mailing list that I'm a part of. Great starting point for HD patients
and curious folks alike.
Law Enforcement news, up to the minute.
The obligatory link to my high school's web page.
The obligatory link to my college's web page.
The homepage for the California Highway Patrol.
My friend Greg's homepage.(He's kind enough to host my site, this is the least
I can do.)