I don't have any famous sayings as of yet that are actually my original words, so here you'll find my most quoted, most overused, and overall favorite quotes from others. Some to live by, some to laugh by, and all to remember.

"Eagles may soar, but do you ever see a weasel get sucked into a jet engine?
~Anonymous (Random bumper sticker idea I think.)

"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat."
~Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) in "Notting Hill"

"Baby, you're so money, and you don't even know it man!"
~Trent (Double Down) Walker in "Swingers"

"O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown."
~Hamlet, Act III, scene i

"Well in Germany, Hitler was a leader!"
~Me (for once! By the way, please read this as a punchline.)

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
~Gordie LaChance in "Stand By Me"

'If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum."

"No opera plot can be sensible, for in sensible situations, people do not sing."
~W.H. Auden

"Laws are like sausages. It is better not to see them being made."
~Otto Von Bismark

"Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love."
~Albert Einstein

"Ugliness is in a way, superior to beauty because it lasts."
~Serge Gainsbourg

"A careful driver is one who honks his horn when he goes through a red light."
~Henry Morgan

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound."
~William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

"May the best of your past be the worst of your future."
~Celebratory toast from "A Long Kiss Goodnight"

"Hell is Other People."
~Jean Paul Sarte

"Life's a piece of s#@*, when you look at it..."
~Monty Python

"Friends help friends move. REAL friends help friends move bodies..."
~Ah wonderful stickers :)

"Somedays just aren't worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning..."
~A sticker that rewls :)

"Look at me when I'm hitting you!"
~Yet another sticker :P

"I came close to seeing the real Elvis the other day... then my shovel broke. :("
~Another sticker

"Use religion as a rock to stand on and support yourself with, do not use it as an excuse or a scapegoat."

"Love is a strange thing. It brings people together, tears them apart. It makes people feel things they have never felt beofre, and feel sadness to depths unknown. It's one of those things that everybody needs, most people want, not enough people get, and not enough people give. To some, love is just an emotion, a way to feel, an excuse sometimes. But love to others is a look, a feeling, an expression, an undying fire, that although it may slow to just a solitary ember, it will not die, and at other times it rages as if to consume the world. All to often, "I love you" is just an expression used too frequently, to the point where all meaning is lost...Another phrase much like "I love you" is "I do". Many see it as a rope that ties you down, some see it as something that is said so that a couple can do things out of sin. But there are those that still hold sacred vows sacred. It is then that "I do' becomes much more than two short simple words. Those words become a promise, a bond, an audible expression of an unstopable love. The words that are intended to hold two hearts together till death due them part, have all too often been forsaken, thrown out because of petty problems, a few remarks, or maybe "It just wasn't working out." Maybe someday things will be as pure as once they were."