Around 4:30 in the afternoon, on June 28, 1980, Enloe Hospital in Chico, California did me the honor of seeing me birthed. A fairly routine procedure from what I understand, I came across the scales at 9 lbs., 9 oz. Not exactly starving from the womb! So home I went from the hospital to Biggs. About a half hour trip south of Chico, the small town I was going to would become the world to me growing up. People say funny things about small towns, and people say funny things when they live in small towns, but the things I'll always remember are the things I said about MY small town.
I wouldn't change growing up in Biggs for anything. While there are definite disadvantages to living in a town with just 1700 people in it, the benefits of knowing your teachers one-to-one, knowing your classmates from kindergarten to graduation, knowing you'll see the same teacher when you graduate high school as was there to usher you into 2nd grade. Yes folks, there are great things that come out of living in a small town like Biggs. Some of you probably watched the show "The Wonder Years" on T.V. and that has to be on the top of my list for shows to watch when you're growing up. Not really set in a small town of modern America, but rather in a laid-back typical suburb of early 70's America,where growing up in general was simpler, but with the same problems that plagued my mind on the mind of Kevin Arnold, and through him and that 1/2 hour program I learned much about life as a young'n.

"Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul"
~Kevin Arnold (The Wonder Years).

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